for scalability & cost savings

Efficient Container Orchestration with Kubernetes

Let us worry about your cloud infrastructure so you can focus on expanding your business.

Kubernetes unlocks unmatched scalability, cost-efficiency and business agility. It is the de-facto technology for application orchestration in the modern cloud infrastructure.

Certified Kubernetes Administrators, like our guys, know the ins and outs of the tool and can implement it with experience.

Our team is also very experienced with Rancher, our current favourite technology for managing Kubernetes clusters efficiently.

Let's talk!

Kubernetes for Cost-efficiency

Having multiple static environments running on manually provisioned machines will leave you with a complex, hard to update and costly infrastructure.

Orchestrating your application containers in clusters and running clusters with Kubernetes enable efficiency, scalability, fault tolerance and cost-efficiency. With Kubernetes, you only need one cluster with co-located applications on the same machines reducing the cost of hardware.

Kubernetes works on all common cloud platforms and all the biggest cloud providers have their own Kubernetes service available, such as GKE from Google or EKS from Amazon.

Kubernetes for scalability & zero downtime

Kubernetes is one tool to manage several distributed applications. This allows for a flexible architecture that integrates nicely with modern must-have features, such as a CI /CD pipeline and autoscaling which will, again, save you in costs while also improving user experience.

With Kubernetes, you will have high availability as applications are self-healing, distributed to multiple machines, and load balancing. You will also have zero downtime due to rolling automated updates and roll-backs as a back-up when a major incident occurs.

Getting Started with Kubernetes

Though Kubernetes has a logical architecture and relatively easy installation - at least if you choose to use it with a service provider - setting up Kubernetes properly and making it do your bidding is not easy. We have Certified Kubernetes Administrators to help you out.

Let's talk!


Our Cloud DevOps service portfolio encompasses the whole infrastructure modernisation journey. On top of Kubernetes setup and management, we offer cloud migration, containerisation, and an automated CI/CD pipeline, on a flexible project basis.

Cloud DevOps Services

Managed Cloud Service

Our Cloud DevOps team is here for you even after the development project has been completed. To make sure your services run smoothly 24/7 and your infrastructure is up to date we offer MontelCare, our managed cloud service with a full guarantee.

MontelCare Managed Cloud Service

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Cloud Modernization Guide

Download our guide to make sure your cloud infrastructure keeps up when your business grows.


  • 4 must-do steps to efficient, scalable and fault-tolerant cloud infrastructure
  • Why you need containers not to fall behind
  • How to choose the best cloud platform for your application
  • How Kubernetes will ease your life
  • How to remove bottlenecks in development process with CI/CD

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